Giới hạn kết quả tìm kiếm bằng dấu *:
Ví dụ: Toán 2, Tập 1, xuất bản năm 2010, Bộ sách Cánh Diều => Nhập: Toán 5*T.1*2010*Cánh Diều
Tên sách hoặc ISBN:
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Tìm thấy: 1.

Phần mềm dành cho TV huyện và trường học1714495. ANNACCHINO, MARC A.
    New product development: From initial idea to product management/ Marc A. Annacchino.- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2003.- 567 p.; 24 cm.
    ISBN: 750677325
    Tóm tắt: This comprehensive and detailed book is a practical guide to the process of New Product Development from initial concept and corporate goals assessment through marketing, planning, development, manufacturing and product management. It contains over 200 illustrations with 52 actual tools needed to execute an actual program. On the accompanying CD-ROM version, these tools are embedded in the text for presentation to the reader. Embedded hyperlinks allow the reader to jump to a special "sandbox" which will allow them to apply the concepts presented in the text directly to their development program and save them as part of their filing system, providing the actual framework for practitioner use.
(New products; Product management; ) |Quản trị sản xuất; Planning; |
DDC: 658.5 /Price: 88.15 /Nguồn thư mục: [SCTHU].

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